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Screened! (book coming soon)

Screen time is on the rise now that we are spending a lot more time using screened technologies. And, although there are no conclusive studies about screen time being harmful to humans, there can be some side effects of increased screen time including headaches and eye problems. As we move into the summer and get a little bit of downtime before we have to start school again, let's think about some ways we can remodel our environments to reduce screen stress.

For instance, when working on computers, make sure your monitor has anti-glare film on to reduce eye fatigue, which can cause dry eyes and headaches. You may also want to consider using computer glasses that are designed to reduce the stress of screens on your eyes. Another suggestion is to use large text and accessible options when looking at screens. Text readers are really helpful in reducing any fatigue from reading yet allowing you to respond to emails in a very efficient manner. Not having your screens positioned well can cause neck and back pain, so check out standing desks or accessories enabling you to raise your monitor to a height that doesn't put any added pressure on the neck or back when using the screen. A good chair can help with that as well by allowing you to raise your chair when typing or reading the screen.

Leaders are a busy group of people with little opportunity to be performing less than their best. These tips can help you reduce eye fatigue, decrease neck and back pain, and increase overall productivity. And, while you are thinking of your own office redesign, take some time to think about the office set up for staff and see if some tweaking needs to take place in their offices as well.

Reducing overall screen time means being cognizant of the variety of screens you interact with daily. Computers, laptops, televisions, mobile devices, and phones are all screens in our environment. If you must spend time on laptops and phones for productivity, consider not watching television for leisure. Instead, go outside or read a book. Do something that can balance the productivity screen time use. Set timers and alarms on your phones and use tools integrated voice tools to help you navigate your phone without looking at it. This requires some time setting these tools up but your eyes and neck will thank you!

Taking the time to consider the way you use screens and the time that you use screens can help you better manage your overall screen time and reduce the impact it has on your overall health!

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